No Plan B For Me

Living life balanced between reality and dreams

The other day I was sitting at the table while my kids ate lunch, my mind started to wander. I do that a lot by the way, and most people can attest to that. Anyway, my thoughts drifted to my children. Though, they are still quite young, I thought about their strengths, talents, and likes. My boy loves to act out his favorite stories, and my girl loves to sing and dance. If they decided to chase after dreams, would I as their mother tell them they need a plan B?

At the conclusion of my wandering thoughts, I said no. Plan B will not allow us to soar after our dreams. It invokes doubt. We’ll never be good enough. The way is too hard, so many other people are chasing the same dreams. What makes us any different?

Our focus is all wrong. Does it matter that others pursue the same dream? We are relational people. We need others who understand the insanity related to our dreams.

Granted, we need to be realistic. Do we really want this dream? Then do what it takes to achieve it. If that means getting a day job to pay the bills while we purse our dream, do it. What benefit do we give our children (and ourselves!) by telling them they need a plan B just in case it doesn’t work out? Make it apart of the package. We still need to eat, have a place to sleep, clothes to wear, etc. So that should be considered in our pursuit of our dreams.

I want to create stories that sweep people off their feet to fantastical places and adventures with characters they love. That is my dream. What is yours?

8 thoughts on “No Plan B For Me

  1. Gabrielle Meyer says:

    I agree, Jennette! I think sometimes the greatest gift we can give our children in unwavering belief in their dreams. It gives them the wings they need to soar towards it! Yes – we have to be realistic and plan where our food, shelter, clothing, etc. comes from, but believing they can acheive something, and giving them the tools to make a plan of action, is priceless.

    • J. L. Mbewe says:

      I love how you put that last sentence: believing they can achieve something, and giving them the tools to make a plan of action…

      Yes. That is what I want to do for them. 🙂

      thanks for stopping by today!

  2. I agree completely! When I went to college, I was too focused on trying to find a major where I could find a secure job, rather than what I was truly interested in. As such, I didn’t do very well. When I went back a few year later, focusing on creative writing and psychology (two subjects I love), I did so much better, and found it much more enjoyable.

    I share your dream of writing powerful stories with lovable characters that people are able to relate to. That has required some sacrifices on our part (my husband is very supportive), but I truly believe it will be worth it! 🙂

    • J. L. Mbewe says:

      Hi S. M., Thanks for stopping by and sharing! I am so glad you were able to return and find your dream. And I’m glad to hear that you’re husband is supportive. Mine is as well. Such a treasure!

      I hope the best for your dream!

  3. The hard part is when you achieve your dream, and you realize it wasn’t what you thought it would be in your mind. Yet you know in your heart you are exactly where God wants you to be. The dream brought you to this place. And you still love it… and hate it at the same time because it is soooo hard! But there can be no Plan B, because, at least for me, I would give up and go with the easier plan, and miss out on the amazing things God has planned for my dream that I never knew of 🙂

    • J. L. Mbewe says:

      Oh, Morgan, that is such an excellent thought! I have yet to achieve my dream, but just working at has at times been so challenging that I’ve asked myself, is this worth it. I’m trying to approach this with eyes wide open, but I’m sure it’s just like becoming a mom. Holy cow!

      I really like your approach, because I would probably give up too. Somewhere along the line, I’ve seemed to have developed this “stinking thinking” that if it’s hard, then I must be going the wrong way. What? No, quite the opposite.

      Thanks for sharing and I wish you the best with your dream!

  4. I hear ya. I got the whole “you need realistic career goals” when I was preparing for college. Writing wasn’t considered “realistic.” As a parent, I think it’s so important to encourage my children’s passions. There’s always a way to turn one’s passions into a viable career. Sometimes you just have to get a little creative.

    • J. L. Mbewe says:

      I agree. I was told the same thing, but I’m thankful for my hubby’s belief in me and his support, otherwise I’m not sure where I would be. I’m thankful he shares the same idea of believing and encouraging our children. Thanks for stopping by and sharing!

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