Yo Ho A Writer’s Life for Me

Greetings fellow writers!

Beginning in January 2012, I started hosting Yo Ho, A Writer’s Life for Me. It is a study group where we writers will examine the art, the craft, and the business of writing fiction. Each week we will read and discuss a chapter or two from the appointed writer’s help book and then apply what we learn through provided exercises or make up our own.

I look forward to connecting with other authors where we can encourage each other while we learn the art, the craft, and the business of writing fiction.

On a side note:

Don’t let all the fuss about the rules, the should-nots and the do-nots get you discouraged. Learning the mechanics of writing builds a good foundation, but its also about balancing it with the art of writing. So as Elizabeth Swan said, “Hang the code and hang the rules. They’re more like guidelines anyways.” 🙂

As of December 2012, Yo Ho A Writer’s Life for Me will be canceled with the hopes of opening a private group on Facebook at a later date. There are so many other awesome blogs out there on the topic of writing fiction, I really don’t need to add my voice to it. I’ve been compiling a growing list of resources on my website, so check it out if you’re interested. 🙂

Please feel free to add links to other sites, books. blogs, etc that you’ve found helpful on your writer’s journey. Thanks!

Keep pressing on!

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