The Next Big Thing


Welcome to the NEXT BIG THING Blog Hop.

What is a blog hop? Basically, it’s a way for readers to discover authors new to them.  I hope you’ll find new-to-you authors whose works you enjoy.  On this stop on the blog hop, you’ll find a bit of information on me and one of my books and links to five other authors you can explore!

My gratitude to fellow author, Clare Davidson, for inviting me to participate in this event.  You can click the following links to learn more about Clare and her books.


In this blog hop, my fellow authors and I, in our respective blogs, have answered ten questions about our current book or work-in-progress (giving you a sneak peek).  We’ve also included some behind-the-scenes information about how and why we write what we write–the characters, inspirations, plotting and other choices we make. I hope you enjoy it!

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts and questions. Here is my Next Big Thing!

1: What is the working title of your book?

Sorceress’s Curse

2: Where did the idea come from for the book?

In the glorious naivety of a newbie writer, I wanted to create a kind of Pilgrim’s Progress meets Lord of the Rings, but without the obvious. Granted, without the obvious, no one could tell it was an allegory. So that was pretty much scratched during the second rewrite. Oh, the things we learn the hard way. Ha!

3: What genre does your book come under?


4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

When I first started writing, I envisioned Kael to be like a young Jimmy Smits with long dark hair and no facial hair.

Ayianna. She’s a harder one, but I’m thinking actress Rachel Weisz with a dark braid.

Desmond. Blond hair. Blue eyes. I don’t know maybe Matthew McConaughey

Prince Vian. short, red curly hair.  Rupert Grint

Saeed. Kind of like Morgan Freeman, but balding on top, the rest of his hair, white and pulled back into a braid. Long moustache and beard.

Semine. Nicole Kidman with red, coppery hair.

Derkomai. Maybe Robert De Niro with black-salt-n-pepper hair, mustache and goatee.

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

When a family secret kills her father, Ayianna must discover how to free the plains people before she loses her mother too.

6: Is your book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency?

At the moment, there is a publisher looking at it. 🙂

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I can’t remember, that was like ten years ago. I don’t even have the same computer it was written on.

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I know, but I don’t. It’s epic fantasy quest…the jury is still out on that one. ha!

9: Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Don’t really know. Funny thing, really. I had completely forgotten that I had wanted to write when I was a kid until I found some old notes, and in those notes, I found glimpses of certain elements in this story.

10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Adventure, questing, a hint of romance, mermaids, dragons, harpies, elves, dwarves, feline shapeshifters, prophecies, secrets…


Below you will find authors who will be joining me virtually, via blog, next Wednesday. Please be sure to bookmark their sites, and add them to your calendars for updates on their upcoming books!  Happy Writing and Reading!

Gabrielle Meyer

Lynn Donovan

Charlene Newcomb

Morgan L. Busse

The Chipper Muse

Since so many authors I know have already participated, I figured I’d post the links below to their posts for you to check out. You might find a new favorite. 🙂 And if you happen to have a favorite “The Next Big Thing”, please feel free to share a link in the comment section. Thanks!

Anne Elisabeth Stengl

R. J. Larson

Jill Williamson

Pauline Creeden

C. L. Dyck

Kat Heckenbach

Kessie Carroll

Aaron DeMott

Laura Ritchie

12 thoughts on “The Next Big Thing

  1. Ken says:

    Look forward to seeing your book completed! I’m thinking about a YA fantasy for my next project, but I need to finish my other WIP first.

  2. I’m so glad you did this meme! There’s all these other people I didn’t know who did it. Thanks for the links!

  3. Your book sounds so interesting! Keep us posted about it. And thanks for the links!

  4. […] gratitude to fellow author, J. L. Mbewe, for inviting me to participate in this event.  Head over to Jennette’s blog to learn more […]

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