What’s Happening

Most of you know by now that in the first week of our internet data cycle, we exceeded it, so we’ve had to go 20 days without. It’s nearly driving me crazy. Only 9 more days to go! On one hand, it has curbed my…um…research, and I’ve made progress on my edits. Almost halfway done! It’s been frustrating trying to keep up with me cyber peeps and news. But I’m trying!


So today, I wasn’t going to do anything big. I was going to share this cute youtube video I had found but it looks like it will have to wait until next week. There’s so many exciting things happening all over the place, I think I’m going to pop. So instead some happening things.

This week we saw the release of Son of Truth by Morgan L. Busse, and yesterday, Anne Elisabeth Stengl had her over for an interview and a giveaway on her blog. So stop by and enter a chance to win both books, Daughter of Light  and Son of Truth. I know I did. 🙂

And on to the next awesome stuff. Do you like to get free books, win prizes? The publisher I signed with has a cool program for reviewers and bloggers. If you’re interested, head on over to their Facebook page and introduce yourself! AltWit press is launching The Wishing Well Curse this month, and they are looking for reviewers, bloggers, etc to get the word out. I will be sharing a little bit about WWC later this month, but I’ll let you have a sneak peak of the cover. Isn’t it beautiful? I can’t wait to introduce y’all to this lovely author!


Speaking of blogging, Kristen Lamb, the social media guru, her blog: WarriorWriters blog is awesome! So many good articles on writing, blogging, Twitter, Facebook. And then there’s WANA tribe for all creative types to hang out, and there’s classes! Check it out! I’m still learning the ropes over there, but there are some awesome people over there. See, the world wide web isn’t as scary as it seems…for the most part. 🙂

Kat Heckebach is giving away an audio version of Finding Angel, a YA fantasy. Have you discovered her yet?

And did you know that the Kindle version of Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl is free! Check it out!

Speaking of free. If you like to read inspirational stories, Christian fiction, etc, check out Spirit-filled Kindle, where they compile list of free or on sale ebooks.

I know I have missed news and events, but I’ve been unable to surf my favorite blogs, comb the world wide web for interesting articles. NINE more days! Anywho, if I’ve missed a freebie, a giveaway, or cool article, share it in the links. Thanks!

Hope you all have a great weekend! 

4 thoughts on “What’s Happening

  1. Gabrielle Meyer says:

    Wow, Jennette, this is a lot of great information!! I’m excited to go check out Spirit-filled Kindle! Thanks.

  2. Great stuff here. Jennette! So many awesome books… So little time.

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